Adventures of a teenage author...

This is Marta, author of the Darkwoods series and of Marta's Blog. I created this blog specifically for blogging about my 2015 study abroad adventures in Europe, but it's becoming the blog for all my travels. I hope you enjoy all the pictures and stories!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Orvieto Pictures

Orvieto is an old city that popes have stayed in in the past. It's divided into two parts: the lower part, which is the modern part, and the walled section, which is on top of a hill. We're staying in the historical part; the hotel we're in is in the same plaza as the duomo, or main cathedral, and it used to be the workers' quarters when they were building the duomo. It is older than the USA; in fact, I'm pretty sure it was built before Columbus sailed.


This is the duomo. Our hotel is in the Piazza del Duomo, so we can see this right when we go out the front door. This is my favorite cathedral.

In the distance between the yellow building and the white building, you can see the front of the duomo.

The view of the valley below Orvieto.

Another view of the valley and the wall

The wall

We went to a little cafe, and it was chilly so I ordered a hot chocolate, and I got this. It was more like really hot pudding. :)

This was a shop that sold anything to do with really fancy writing.

Look! Dreamcatchers!

Climbing the clock tower. This is one of the clocks from the inside.

My roommate Erika inside the clock tower

The Duomo from the top of the clock tower

Eating dinner! Doesn't it look like we're in a cave?

1 comment:

  1. Aw, seeing all these pictures makes me nostalgic; I miss Italy!!
