Adventures of a teenage author...

This is Marta, author of the Darkwoods series and of Marta's Blog. I created this blog specifically for blogging about my 2015 study abroad adventures in Europe, but it's becoming the blog for all my travels. I hope you enjoy all the pictures and stories!

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Last Day in Dublin - the Viking Museum

This is housed in one of the Christ Church buildings. Dublin was founded by Vikings, so the museum follows the founding of the city. (By the way, Dublin comes from the Viking name, and it means something like "black pool"; the Irish name for Dublin is Baile Atha Cliath.)

We get our word "berserk" from "bear shirt!" Who would have thought?

Views from the top of the Cathedral:

1 comment:

  1. Go raibh maith agat for the fabulous photos...loved seeing Dublin and your view of "40 shades of green" from the air!
