Adventures of a teenage author...

This is Marta, author of the Darkwoods series and of Marta's Blog. I created this blog specifically for blogging about my 2015 study abroad adventures in Europe, but it's becoming the blog for all my travels. I hope you enjoy all the pictures and stories!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Portsmouth - HMS Warrior

Here are my pictures from HMS Warrior! To know more about the ship, go here.

If I remember correctly, the flags spell out Warrior

Steep stairs!

The Warrior has both steam power and sail power

Celebration of the Battle of Trafalgar!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Arriving in Portsmouth!

Heck yeah! This was the home of the Royal Navy! I could easily have spent another month here.

First, arriving in Gatwick:

The train station from Gatwick goes straight to Portsmouth Harbor:

The panda was a gift from someone at ACD

This was the view right off the train at Portsmouth:

This is HMS Warrior. More about her later.

The Victory was the British flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar. You see things dedicated to her all over Portsmouth.

Leaving Dublin

I scurried from my final exam to a flight to Gatwick. Here are some fantastic pictures I got from the plane:
Yep, that's a rainbow. And the plane's shadow. 

The Irish Sea - on the way to England!