Adventures of a teenage author...

This is Marta, author of the Darkwoods series and of Marta's Blog. I created this blog specifically for blogging about my 2015 study abroad adventures in Europe, but it's becoming the blog for all my travels. I hope you enjoy all the pictures and stories!

Monday, June 29, 2015


This was the museum in the Franciscan monastery. I couldn't take pictures of most of the artifacts, but I got pictures of the building.

(In the artifacts room, there was a hole in the wall that was covered with glass. It was made by a shell during Croatia's last war. I thought that was cool, but of course I couldn't take a picture of that.)


Recognize at least one of these signatures?

What about that one?

Dubrovnik - Fort Lovnienac

This was the fort outside the Old Town walls. It sits on a cliff looking over the Old Town and the Pile Gate.